Sarah Steinhoff
a member of the network

I work for Orlando Sentinel Communications, a division of the Tribune Company. Specifically, I'm an Application Specialist in the Editorial Systems Support area of the Content Production division of the Technology Department. With such a long position description, you know I'm way down on the totem pole.

Specifically, I support CCI, which is a newsroom system. That means I get to train people on CCI, answer all their questions, fix things when they break them and plan for future software developments. Also, since CCI runs on a computer (gasp!) I end up answering a lot of basic desktop support questions.

But what I really enjoy is technical writing! I am a one-woman documentation machine for my group. User manuals, system specs, test plans - it's almost more excitement than I can stand!

So, what have I been doing lately? Well, we just upgraded our CCI NewsDesk system from version to We are in the midst of a MerlinOne install. We have a new manager - Randy Jessee - and a new systems administrator - Ryan Hardy. I have lots of documentation projects sitting on my desk and I'm looking forward to working on them. Documentation is fun!

Yes, I know. You think I'm crazy.


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