From SoFla...
    * Ronald Wilson Reagan Expressway to I-4 (exit 259)
      (Ft. Pierce to Orlando is about $10 in tolls)
    * I-4 west to State Road 435 North (Kirkman Rd; exit 75B)
      (this should be one exit west of where you get on I-4)

From SoWestFla...
    * I-4 east to State Road 435 North (Kirkman Rd; exit 75B)

From Kirkman Road...
    * go north (right turn) until you reach Colonial (SR-50)
    * go west (left turn) for a mile or so to Hiawassee Road
    * go north (right turn) until you hit Silver Star Road
      (SR-438); there will be a Publix/K-Mart shopping plaza
      on the corner -- watch out for the construction
    * go west (left turn) until you see an 80-foot tall white
      cross on the south side of the road
    * go north (right turn) into the Silver Ridge subdivision;
      this'll be your first right after the cross
    * go west (left turn) on Stidham Drive (it is the sixth
      street on the left with and has fireplug on the corner)
    * we are the whiteish house with black trim on the left
      side of the road; 7520 Stidham Drive

Map coordinates...
    *  28.58226 North
    *  81.48770 West

    Here is a map of the subdivision...
    Here is what the front of the house looks like...

    Here is a satellite view of the house...
      (in case you are flying in)