The Triscuit Cake
Back story: Mick was leaving our little group and heading back out to the
newsroom. We wanted to do something fun for him. Typically, we would bake a
cake, but Mick doesn't like cake. He's a pie man. But how do you decorate a
pie? He had recently fallen into the habit of snacking on
Easy Cheese
in the afternoons, so we decided to make him a cake out of that.
The next question was what to write on it. To celebrate the completion of
the CCI 5.5.3 rollout, we had ordered cake for the newsroom. It said, "We
survived CCI!" An hour before the cake was to be served, CCI crashed. We
altered the cake to read "We almost survived CCI!" and served cake early
since the newsroom couldn't work anyway.
And thus, the "Mick survived CCI" Triscuit and Easy Cheese cake was born.